Joe, Steph, and Vicki had a successful mission trip to Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. They will be doing a presentation sometime soon during worship. Thank you to the Mission Trip Fund for our Dunkin' Donuts gift cards. We enjoyed sharing with our fellow workers, and they appreciated it, too!
May 10 Mother's Day
May 17 Sunday School Open House 10 AM (last day of Sunday School until September)
May 24 Pentecost Sunday
May 26 Presbytery Meeting at Kenmore Presbyterian Church 4 PM
May 31 Summer worship begins 9:30 AM
May 10 Mother's Day
May 17 Sunday School Open House 10 AM (last day of Sunday School until September)
May 24 Pentecost Sunday
May 26 Presbytery Meeting at Kenmore Presbyterian Church 4 PM
May 31 Summer worship begins 9:30 AM