Lenten Soup and Bible Study continues until March 23 from 5:30 to 7 PM.
Confirmation class takes place Sundays at 4 PM.
Maundy Thursday meal, worship service, and communion will be held April 2 beginning at 6 PM. Sign up in the Narthex.
The church will be open noon to 3 PM on April 3rd, Good Friday, for guided prayer and meditation.
Easter will be celebrated April 5th.
Bible Study will reconvene at our regular Wednesday time (10 AM) on April 8th .
Mission trip to Point Pleasant Beach, NJ for Hurricane Sandy relief is April 19-24th.
Confirmation class takes place Sundays at 4 PM.
Maundy Thursday meal, worship service, and communion will be held April 2 beginning at 6 PM. Sign up in the Narthex.
The church will be open noon to 3 PM on April 3rd, Good Friday, for guided prayer and meditation.
Easter will be celebrated April 5th.
- Sunrise service at Portville's Chestnut Hill Cemetery will begin at 7 AM followed by breakfast at Sprague's.
- Worship will be at 11 AM.
Bible Study will reconvene at our regular Wednesday time (10 AM) on April 8th .
Mission trip to Point Pleasant Beach, NJ for Hurricane Sandy relief is April 19-24th.